Thursday 17 January 2013

Negotiation of the Secret Society Cloth: An Exploration of Ukara–forthcoming exhibition.


Ukara is an indigo dyed cloth used by members of the Ekpe secret society in the Cross River area of  Southeastern Nigeria, West Africa.  The cloth includes graphic signs known as nsibidi. Negotiation of the Secret Society Cloth is an exhibition exploring the history, variety of design patterns, process of creation, and the various uses based on research conducted by  Eli Bentor over the last twenty-two years.

This exhibition is presented in dialog with contemporary artist Victor Ekpuk who incorporates nsibidi designs in his work.

Exhibition begins: Friday, April 5, 2013

Exhibition ends: Saturday, August 3, 2013

Venue: Gallery A and Mayer Gallery, Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, Appalachian State University.

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