Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Cloth of the month: A rare double-sided Ewe kente.


E806 – Rare style of Ewe chief’s cloth with predominantly yellow front face and purple on the reverse. The weaver of this beautiful cloth utilised a rare technique that produces a different effect on each side - on the front yellow predominates while on the back the dominant colour is a soft purple. This is achieved by using a method called supplementary floating warp (as opposed to supplementary floating weft which is widely used by Ewe weavers.) If we look at the detail photos below we can see that the yellow extra warps are mainly visible on the front of the cloth, while the purple ground weave predominates on the reverse, allowing the weft striped blocks to stand out more visibly.  These extra warps are continuous along the entre length of the cloth strip but in the weft faced areas, where stripes go across the strip, they are concealed by the closely packed wefts.

Front detail.


Back detail


The layout is a regular alternation of squares of the warp faced float and weft faced stripes arranged in squares, while the colours in the weft stripes pick up the yellow and purple in a great variety of combinations with other colours. Dates from circa 1920-40 and is in excellent condition is excellent. Size: 128 ins x 70, 326cm x 178.

This technique, supplementary floating warp, is extremely rare in West African weaving, with the Ewe the main practitioners. Most Ewe examples I have seen have used an orange extra warp on a green background. This is the only one I know about in these more appealing colours.

To see this cloth and others on our newly updated gallery of Ewe kente cloths for sale please click here.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

African Textiles in New York


A selection of Ewe and Asante kente cloths, Fante Asafo flags, and Yoruba adire cloths from our collection can now be viewed by appointment in New York at Tikhonova & Wintner Fine Art, 40 West 120th St. 2nd Floor, New York.  Visit their website for more details and information on their exhibition program.


Thursday, 10 July 2014

Exhibition: "Couleurs de vie, vie en couleurs" at Casa Africa, Nantes – some views.






Click on the photos to enlarge. Thanks to Anne Grosfilley for the photographs. For more details of the xhibition and the catalogue please visit the website.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Senegalese Women, circa 1930s. Vintage postcard.


Vintage postcard, author’s collection. Photographer and publisher unknown.

Côte D'Ivoire Textiles Page on Pinterest

Ivory Pinterest

I have recently begun an additional page on my Pinterest site covering a curated selection of textiles from Côte D'Ivoire. View and follow our Pinterest site here.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Another Yoruba Weaver.

P1020657 Kopie

P1020656 Kopie

A second Ifa divination cup with a representation of a treadle loom weaver. Present location unknown. Thanks to Bernhard Gardi for the photographs.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

New Exhibition: “Couleurs de Vie” at Casa Africa/Espace Cosmopolis , Nantes.

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“Exposition "Couleurs de vie, vie en couleurs"

Du 3 au 20 juillet

En Afrique, peut-être plus qu’ailleurs, les tissus racontent des histoires, petites et grandes. Celles des échanges Europe, Afrique, Asie, celles des femmes et des hommes qui les portent. Alors que pour un regard non initié, le wax est simplement un tissu aux couleurs chatoyantes, il est, pour l’œil averti, un "alphabet du corps" : par exemple, le pagne ''Ton pied mon pied'' revendique l’égalité entre l’homme et la femme ou celui représentant une main avec des pièces de monnaie illustre que l’union fait la force. Les tissus se font langage imaginaire, quotidien, commémoratif, sociétal, politique ou religieux. Expositions, films, défilés, ateliers proposés par la Casa Africa Nantes permettront de décrypter ces messages.”

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“Expo Wax

Cette exposition présentée a pour but de montrer la richesse des textiles africains. Au sein des sociétés africaines modernes, le wax perpétue un ancrage identitaire traditionnel et il est aussi un support de communication. Les tissus racontent des histoires et nous les aborderons sous plusieurs axes : le langage imaginaire, quotidien, commémoratif, sociétal, politique ou religieux. Ils offriront au grand public des clés de compréhension des textiles imprimés en wax et aux populations issues du continent africain un espace de valorisation et d’expression de leurs cultures d'origine.”


“Wax Dolls: Omar Victor Diop”  and more.

Full details here.